Join the Redox Revolution


The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

What can you really expect from ASEA Redox supplementation?

Let's be honest. You don't have to watch very many of the ASEA testimonials before this all starts to sound a bit like the proverbial "snake oil", just a bit too good to be true!  And believe me, I get it.  I've had the same thoughts, so let me share my honest take on it all.

  1. There is absolutely no substitute for a healthy lifestyle.  It is impossible to supplement yourself into health.  No one knows this better than me.  And just what is a truly healthy lifestyle?  Well, that's what my MaverickHealth website is for.
  2. A healthy lifestyle works because it promotes natural redox signaling.  All our vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, exercise, meditation, etc. are useless without adequate redox signaling, and healthy living does help with the natural production of those essential signaling molecules.  This is thoroughly explained in Dr. Lee Ostler's excellent book Healthy Matters.
  3. All that being said, even where I live in rural north Idaho, it is impossible to escape the toxicity of our environment.  For example: periodic forest fire smoke (from Canada and as far away as California) pollutes our air here, chemicals contaminate our food (even organic food :(, and who knows how the EMF pollution I'm getting as I type this is affecting me?  What we do know is that as we age we lose 10% per decade of our ability to naturally produce these essential redox signaling molecules.  Probably due in large part to this inescapable environmental toxicity.
  4. How much benefit you will feel will depend on how far and in what way both your lifestyle and your redox potential are out of balance.  About 1/3 of our patients notice nearly immediate dramatic results,  and for another 1/3 it takes a few weeks or months before they begin to notice an improvement.  The rest may never actually "feel" anything, but continue to use it because they believe in the science, for the same reason they take vitamin C even though it doesn't necessarily change they way they feel on a day to day basis.

It is because every cell in your body depends on redox signaling to function properly that supplementation has the potential of positively impacting every cell and organ in your body.  So yes, all those testimonials really can be true.  What will your experience be?  We won't know until you try!