Join the Redox Revolution


Here's how to order your signaling molecules

Purchasing From ASEA


In keeping with the company’s commitment to cost and price control, ASEA products are all available by direct sales only, and all promotion is limited to word-of-mouth.  On their website you will find three options when placing your first order.

  1. RETAIL CUSTOMER – This category is for those who just want to dip their toes in the water (no pun intended, or maybe just a little:) and make a one-time purchase. You can do this online, but for these purchases we try to have enough on hand so you don’t have to.
  2. PREFERRED CUSTOMER – In this category you select a monthly recuring order, and in return get to take advantage of wholesale pricing. Of course, you can change or cancel at any time.
  3. ASSOCIATE – In my mind, everyone should be an associate. It only costs an extra onetime $40, and in addition to wholesale pricing you get the chance to receive all of your products for free.  With each person you refer (btw – at least half of your friends have health issues that would benefit tremendously) you start to get commissions.  And it only takes about six active referrals for those commissions to completely cover your own consumption.  (Of course, there is nothing to keep you from referring, and making, even more.  In fact, if you don't already have a reliable secondary stream of income, you really should give this some serious thought.  I'd be happy to show you why so many professionals are doing so.)

To purchase on the ASEA website, you will need to have the member number of a referring associate, or use a website linked to an associate.

For your convenience we have set one up for our patients. Here's the link -


Doc's ASEA Site


At the top of the page you will see these choices –

On your mobile device menu it may look something like this.

To be either a Preferred Customer or an Associate, click on the JOIN HERE button and it should be pretty straightforward from there.  Otherwise click on BUY HERE to make a retail purchase.  If you have any questions or trouble though, feel free to ask for help.  The best way to quickly schedule my help is to use my online scheduler at –

Or of course the good old phone always works too.





BTW – all our commissions are donated back to the Foundation to help fund our non-profit activities.

 REDOX supplementation supports the healthy function of cells throughout the body as part of a comprehensive healthy lifestyle.  No claims are either made or implied regarding the ability of REDOX supplementation to diagnose, treat, or cure any specific disease.